Preventis SmarTest® Vitamin D Home

Measure your vitamin D level in 15 minutes, anywhere, anytime

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Preventis SmarTest® Calprotectin Home

Therapy monitoring for inflammatory bowel diseases

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PreventID® CC

Quick and safe colon cancer screening from the comfort of your own home.

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Patient-oriented diagnostics - anytime & anywhere

We are a globally oriented company with a focus on the distribution of point-of-care diagnostics. Our innovative products represent the state of the art in science and are predominantly related to the specialities of gastroenterology, infectious diseases, reproductive medicine and oncology.

The QuantOn® technology by Preventis enables the quantitative evaluation of a lateral flow rapid test thanks to a product-specific Preventis app. By scanning the test cassette, the app determines the quantitative measurement result based on the colour intensity of the test bands. This is highly valid and comparable with parameter-specific gold standards.

The qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative rapid tests of Preventis GmbH strengthen the freedom and self-determination of the users, serve as a useful tool for efficient practice management and are used in corporate health care.
All our tests combine high reliability with ease of use for near-patient diagnostics within minutes. Our health-economically efficient products are therefore ideal for use in the clinic, practice and everyday life.

Selbsttest für zu Hause

Rapid tests for home use

As a self-tester, you can use rapid tests for self-testing, including our app-based SmarTests for quick diagnosis and prevention from home.

Tests für Praxis & Labor

Rapid test for professionals

Our rapid lateral flow tests for healthcare professionals are predominantly in the areas of gastroenterology, infectious diseases, reproductive medicine and oncology.



SmarTest Calprotectin App-Update

The SmarTest Calprotectin app is being refined to enhance core features. The clinical questionnaire will be removed to simplify the user experience while maintaining access to relevant information.


Gesund ins neue Jahr: Ihre Vorsätze umsetzen – mit Preventis


Internationaler Männertag: Entdecke die Geschichte, stärke deinen Alltag und bring deine Gesundheit auf ein neues Level!

Contact us

We are here for you!

Do you have any questions about our products? Then please feel free to contact us by phone at +49 6251 70711-0 or write to us via the contact form. The Preventis team is available Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 17:00 for you. We will do our best to answer your questions as soon as possible.

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PreventID® Nail Fungus Test

PreventID® Nail Fungus Test is a rapid immunological test for self-testing for the qualitative detection of nail fungus antigens in sample material from toenails or fingernails and serves as an aid …

PreventID® hCG (test strip)

PreventID® hCG (test strip) is a rapid test for the detection of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. The detection limit of the present test is a value of 20 mlU hCG …

PreventID® GIP Stool

PreventID® GIP Stool determines a breakdown product of gluten in the stool formed in the intestine during digestion and can distinguish between a "normal" intestinal upset or a dietary error. The …
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