We are a globally orientated German company with innovative products in the sector of point-of-care diagnostics and telemedical solutions that are used in clinics, practices and in everyone’s everyday life. Preventis GmbH was founded 2003 in Bensheim, Germany and we have focused on taking rapid testing to a new level since then.
About us
Our Vision is to give the power of Diagnostics to everybody with any disease.
We work every day to make diagnostics simple and accessible to everyone so that diseases can be detected early and treated properly.
Our products
Our innovative products represent the state of the art science and our rapid tests provide reliable results within minutes. The Tests are predominantly related to gastroenterology, infectious diseases, reproductive medicine and oncology.
We provide products for the ideal use of lay people as well as medical professionals. Our SmarTest series and the QuantOn® technology developed for it by Preventis, enables the quantitative evaluation of a lateral flow rapid test using a product-specific Preventis app. The tests are valid and comparable to parameter-specific gold standards.
The qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative rapid tests of Preventis GmbH strengthen the freedom and self-determination of the users, serve as a useful tool for efficient practice management and are used in occupational health care.