PreventID® CRP 1/3

PreventID® CRP 1/3 allows to distinguish between low (CRP < 1 mg/l), average (CRP 1–3 mg/l) and high risk (CRP > 3 mg/l) for a cardiovascular event.

Classic rapid tests
Professional medicals
Capillary blood

PreventID® CRP 1/3

Only for sale to professional users such as doctors, pharmacists, alternative practitioners and other medically trained personnel.

Cardiovascular disease: Recognize risk – take timely action

Many cardiovascular diseases could be prevented through appropriate prevention. This includes a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and sufficient exercise, as well as assessing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

An early sign of an impending heart attack can be an increased concentration of the so-called C reactive protein (CRP) in the blood. CRP is released particularly as a result of cell damage, e.g. due to inflammation. To estimate the risk of heart attack, the high-sensitivity CRP (hsCRP) should be determined 1–2 times a year.

Your benefits

  • hsCRP: highest predictive power for the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD)
  • allows individual classification: low, medium and high CHD risk
  • reliable risk assessment within minutes


Only for sale to professional users such as doctors, pharmacists, alternative practitioners and other medically trained personnel.

Components PreventID CRP 1/3
Short Instruction PreventID CRP 1/3

Relative sensitivity

98.3 %

Relative specificity

100 %

Detection limit

10 mg/l

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