

Eisenmangel in der Schwangerschaft: Tipps für Hebammen zur Früherkennung und Prävention


Understanding Iron and the Iron-storage protein Ferritin

Iron is essential for your body’s growth, development, and overall health, but it doesn’t work alone. Ferritin, the protein that stores iron in your cells, plays a crucial role in ensuring your body …


Colorectal Cancer- how to prevent it

A guide to the importance of understanding and preventing bowel cancer through lifestyle changes and scientific strategies. It provides practical advice on diet, exercise and regular screening to …
Risk factors colon cancer


Risk factors for colorectal cancer - What you should know

Learn about the key risk factors for bowel cancer and how to prevent it. Discover how age, family history, lifestyle choices, environmental factors, pre-existing conditions, and diet can affect your …


Understanding Colorectal Cancer: Symptoms, Treatments, and Prevention

Discover the secrets of colorectal cancer screening. Find out why timely screening is so important, how to prevent the development of cancer and learn about the recommended screening methods. Read …


Understanding Colorectal Cancer: Symptoms, Treatments, and Prevention

Colorectal cancer, a leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide, affects millions each year. With 1.93 million new cases and around 935,000 deaths in 2020, it's crucial to spread awareness …


Niedrige Vitamin D-Spiegel bei post-COVID-Patient:innen

Beschwerden, die länger als 12 Wochen nach einer SARS-CoV-2 Infektion andauern und nicht durch andere Erkrankungen erklärbar sind, werden als post-COVID-Syndrom bezeichnet.1


Darmkrebs bei jungen Erwachsenen

Junge Erwachsene erkranken häufiger an Darmkrebs


Corona, Grippe oder RSV?

Millionen Deutsche sind derzeit krank. Symptome wie Schnupfen, Husten und Halsschmerzen sind allgegenwärtig. Aber um was handelt es sich – Corona? Grippe? RSV? Oder doch nur eine „gewöhnliche“ …


FIT tests for colorectal cancer screening

Bowel cancer is one of the most common types of cancer worldwide. In Germany, about 60,000 people are newly diagnosed every year, and about 460,000 people live with a colorectal cancer diagnosis. …
Darmkrebsmonat März


Colon Cancer – still a taboo topic

The fear of being diagnosed with bowel cancer and the feeling of powerlessness mean that far too little preventive care is still being taken. This is despite the fact that around 1.9 million people …


Not every tick bite leads to a Lyme disease infection

In 2019, 306,000 persons with statutory health insurance in Germany were diagnosed with Lyme borreliosis.1 This corresponds to an annual incidence of 429 infections per 100,000 insured persons.


Inadequate vitamin D supply increases the risk of acute respiratory infections.

56% of all adults in Germany suffer from an insufficient vitamin D supply1 and thus expose themselves to an increased risk of acute respiratory infections.²
Vers le haut